Scouts BSA Episodes

Aug. 10, 2016

Episode 20 - Eagle Scout

Eagle Scout is the higest rank that a Boy Scout can achieve in the United States. So what does it take to become an Eagle Scout?
June 29, 2016

Episode 17 - Advancement

Whether it's called Swim-Up or Advancement, how do we celebrate when youth progress through the Scouting movement?
April 13, 2016

Episode 13 - Badges (Mostly) Don’t Equal Progression

We take another look at the idea of badge earning and how it relates to a youth's progression through the Scouting program.
Feb. 3, 2016

Episode 8 - Leader Communication

Effectively leading a Scout group, at any age level, means having good communication between the leaders.
Nov. 18, 2015

Episode 4 - Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse (Review)

Is it just a bad B-movie? Or is there something in it that actually reflects Scouting in some way?
Nov. 4, 2015

Episode 3 - Scouting Uniforms as Halloween Costumes? Scouting in Minecraft?

Should the Scout Uniform be worn as a Halloween costume? Also, we should have made a bigger deal out of JOTA-JOTI.
Oct. 22, 2015

Episode 2 - What’s That You’re Wearing?

Why do Scouts wear uniforms? What are the essential components of a Scout uniform?