Scouts Canada Episodes

Aug. 26, 2020

Scouting Five - Week of August 24, 2020

Scout groups look forward to resuming in-person meetings, YET ANOTHER stolen trailer...and the Girl Scouts get new uniforms. News Stories 1st Scouting Group Bradford happy to resume meetings this fall Boy Scouts partake in we...
Aug. 13, 2020

Scouting Together Again

Scouts Canada is bringing back in-person meetings in September of 2020. What will Scouting look like in Canada thereafter?
Aug. 12, 2020

Scouting Five - Week of August 10, 2020

Tracking the history of a Sea Scout ship, Scout properties in BC face issues...and a trailer thief gets caught.
Sept. 5, 2018

Episode 67 - Meet the Parents

It's time to kick off another year of Scouting. Make sure to get the parents of the youth involved from the very start.
July 27, 2016

Episode 19 - The Queen’s Venturer Award

The Queen's Venturer Award is the capstone award for Venturer Scouts, and can almost be thought of as the Canadian analog of the Eagle Scout rank.
July 13, 2016

Episode 18 - MedVents (Medical Venturers)

Medical Venturers (MedVents) is one of the Vocational Scouting programs offered by Scouts Canada, which is focused on advanced first aid and medical training.
June 29, 2016

Episode 17 - Advancement

Whether it's called Swim-Up or Advancement, how do we celebrate when youth progress through the Scouting movement?
June 15, 2016

Episode 16 - Long Distance

Colin phones in from all the way across Canada to discuss advancement and summer Scouting programs.
May 18, 2016

Episode 15 - Emergency Preparedness

It was Emergency Preparedness Week last week...which, at least for our Canadian crew, has been given a very pointed example in the Fort McMurray fires.
May 11, 2016

PSA 1 - Fort McMurray Fires

To help other people at all times; it's part of the Scout Promise.
April 13, 2016

Episode 13 - Badges (Mostly) Don’t Equal Progression

We take another look at the idea of badge earning and how it relates to a youth's progression through the Scouting program.
March 15, 2016

Episode 11 - Beaver Buggies, Kub Kars, and Scout Trucks

Scouts Canada offers different forms of racing vehicles to different sections of its program, from simple Beaver Buggies to massive Scout Trucks.
March 2, 2016

Episode 10 - What About Those Other Badges?

Sometimes, Scouts are awarded badges that aren't merit badges, and don't go on the uniform. What happens if you don't fulfill the criteria for one of those?
Feb. 3, 2016

Episode 8 - Leader Communication

Effectively leading a Scout group, at any age level, means having good communication between the leaders.
Jan. 13, 2016

Episode 7 - Venturers, Rovers, and Dens; Oh My!

What programs are available, in Scouts Canada and Boy Scouts of America, for older youth and young adults?