Scouts BSA Episodes

Oct. 28, 2021

Scouting Five - Week of October 25, 2021

Scouts take part in JOTA-JOTI and learn to code...and Cub Scouts are bringing flowers to hospital staff.
Oct. 7, 2021

Scouting Five 159 - Week of October 4, 2021

A Scout earns the Cornwell Award...and Scouts BSA is likely not infringing Girl Scouts’ copyrights.
Sept. 24, 2021

Scouting Five - Week of September 20, 2021

Scouts host a “Gin and Ale” fundraiser, Labware’s founder is honoured by Scouts BSA...and “a father for international Scouting” is remembered.
Sept. 11, 2021

Scouting Five - Week of September 6, 2021

Georgia Scouts sell Moon Pies,  Scouts in Canada sell sand bags...and the UK launches Squirrel Scouts!
Sept. 3, 2021

Scouting Five - Week of August 30, 2021

The 42nd World Scout Conference wraps up, Poland will host WJ 2027...and the Northern Lights MedVents are recruiting, again.
Aug. 12, 2021

Scouting Five - Week of August 9, 2021

Thousands upon thousands attend a Jamboree virtually, a Scout Camp survives a wildfire...and Scouts help out after a tornado.
Aug. 6, 2021

Scouting Five - Week of August 2, 2021

A volunteer earns a Bronze Wolf, a Rover Moot is planned in Africa...and a Chicago Scout was prepared during a tornado.
July 2, 2021

Scouting Five - Week of June 28, 2021

The Solomon Islands joins Scouting, a bear makes off with Scouts’ honey...and Scouts do love archery, don’t they?
June 24, 2021

Scouting Five - Week of June 21, 2021

Girl Scouts build a food pantry...and Scouts join a book club.
June 18, 2021

Scouting Five - Week of June 14, 2021

Girls Scouts have a glut of cookies, Scouts in the UK need volunteers...and Greek Scouts help spot trash on beaches.
June 3, 2021

Scouting Five - Week of May 31, 2021

A Scout volunteer gets a kingly reward...and has it been two years already since girls could join Scouts BSA?
May 28, 2021

Scouting Five - Week of May 24, 2021

Scouting membership declines in the UK...and Scouts in the US keep on Scouting for Food.
May 13, 2021

Scouting Five - Week of May 10, 2021

Free Girl Scout cookies (with your COVID shot), Nepal Scouts see growth...and Scouts around the world respond to those in need.
April 30, 2021

Scouting Five - Week of April 26, 2021

Girl Scouts deploy drones, Tunisian Scouts entertain kids...and Scouts in Montenegro want you to get the shot.
March 11, 2021

Scouting Five - Week of March 8, 2021

A thousand female Eagle Scouts, Luxembourgish Scouts earn an award...and Girl Guides in the UK lose a camp.