Volunteers Episodes

Oct. 16, 2020

Youth Protection

It takes a fair bit of effort to bring a new Scouter on board. But there’s a good reason why that is!
Sept. 5, 2018

Episode 67 - Meet the Parents

It's time to kick off another year of Scouting. Make sure to get the parents of the youth involved from the very start.
Feb. 3, 2016

Episode 8 - Leader Communication

Effectively leading a Scout group, at any age level, means having good communication between the leaders.
Dec. 17, 2015

Episode 6 - Member Retention

How do you retain members of your Scout group? And how do you retain leaders, for that matter?
Dec. 2, 2015

Episode 5 - Coping with Program Changes

National Scouting bodies periodically overhaul their programs and methods. How do Scout groups, and individual Scouters, respond to this?